The Fuse

Talk to Us
Marketing Plan
Marketing Tools
Fuse it all Together

Creating a marketing plan will ensure you stay on track with your goals, and enables you to budget your valuable resources – time and money

We generally create a 12 month working document to plan activity each month, that way we can be effective with your marketing message and with the design of marketing material, print, time etc. to get the best out of your budget and build momentum. It will keep you and your business focused and stop you having that scatter gun approach to marketing that generally doesn’t work!

Marketing Tools

The marketing plan highlights what materials is required, we can have a root in your cupboards to see what you have in stock and if we can put it to work, or we will get creative and design everything needed. Our design team will ensure everything works in harmony for your business or product and make sure it suits your target market.

Fuse it all together

The Fuse will work with your marketing plan so that it comes to fruition and doesn’t sit on a dusty shelf. We make sure everything happens on time as planned, we will help you as much or as little as you need. But it is good to have a partner who will work with you, making sure the hard work doesn’t go by the way side when you are busy with your day to day work. Also we can adapt the plan if goals or circumstances change.

Would you like to work together?

If you'd like to know more about The Fuse Creative Marketing services or have a project you'd like to discuss please feel free to get in touch for a chat.

Let's chat
The Fuse Creative Marketing is a creative marketing agency with multi disciplines which means we can maintain the consistency of your brand throughout your marketing material. From your website to print to inhouse correspondence.
Branding Services Web Design and Development

Core Services